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 ICOM-CC - Shanghai - novembre 2010

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Nombre de messages : 2495
Date d'inscription : 12/03/2008
Age : 56
Localisation : Gaillac

ICOM-CC - Shanghai - novembre 2010 Empty
MessageSujet: ICOM-CC - Shanghai - novembre 2010   ICOM-CC - Shanghai - novembre 2010 EmptyMar 30 Mar 2010 - 7:34

Call for Papers
ICOM-CC Session at the ICOM General Conference, Shanghai, November 7-12, 2010

Conservation in a Changing World

Museums in the 21st century are at the cross roads of major transformations in the global economy and environment. They are in a position to address the urgent need for safeguarding cultural diversity and bio-diversity as the common heritage of humanity. The preferred futures across the world are for environmental, cultural, economic and social sustainability. Museums have a role to play as mediators in these transformations in promoting social harmony.

ICOM-CC Session
Conservators as caretakers of the collections that form the backbone of collecting institutions have a very important role in this transformation of museums. The half-day ICOM-CC session will focus on this important aspect and will include presentations particularly focussing on access, intangible heritage, conservation training and application of conservation in a developing context.

Conservation professionals who are interested in presenting at this conference are requested to send a short abstract of less than 200 words to Vinod Daniel, Vice-chair, ICOM-Committee for Conservation at “” by April 30, 2010.

A panel consisting of the Chair of ICOM-CC Marie-Claude Corbeil and Vice-chairs Vinod Daniel and Bent Eshøj will select 12 twenty-minute presentations that have to be delivered in person at the conference. Authors will be notified by May 15, 2010 and selected abstracts will be made available through the ICOM-CC website.
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